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Carlo Gesualdo

The Search 

Center Studies and Documentation Carlo Gesualdo [link]

"The Center Studies and Documentation Carl Gesualdo" resolves to do renews of the studies on the figure of the great and innovating musician of aim ' 500 beginnings ' 600
through the study of documentary, historical and musical material, in great part unknown , brought to us from Italian and European archeves.

The Center Studies and documentation has published various books of studies on Gesualdo:

[1]Il Cappellone: una sinagoga travestita?

La cappella del S.S. Corpo di Cristo e l'arcano dello sviluppo socioeconomico di Gesualdo in et moderna

[2]Il barone assediato e l'universit contesa - Gesualdo nel tramonto dell'ancien rgime

[3] Gesualdo 1799: rivoluzione o guerra civile?

[4] Inventario

Centro studi e documentazione Carlo Gesualdo

a cura di Annibale Cogliano

[6] Carlo GesualdoNEW

Il Principe, l'amante, la strega.

Abstract (english)

Epistolario (english)

Bibliografia (english)

[5] Carlo GesualdoNEW

omcida fra storia e mito

di Annibale Cogliano con un
contributo di Olga Stinga,
prefazione di Glenn Watkins.

ISBN 88-495-1232-5

The History

Carlo Gesualdo

Carlo Gesualdo was born in Venosa the 8th of March, 1566, from the richest and most powerful family of the town: his grandfather Luigi had obtained the title of Prince of Venosa, his uncle Alfonso was a cardinal of great prestige, his mother was Geronima Borromeo, sister of Saint Carlo Borromeo.
Through alliances based on weddings, the Gesualdo family became related to all of the most important lineages of the age, in which the Carafa, the D'Avalos,
the Caracciolo, the Orsini. Carlo will become heir of title and patrimony because of the premature death of his brother Luigi. It was only the first of the series of familiar tragedies.
The two male sons of Carlo died both young: Emanuele, been born from the first wedding, less than a twenty-year-old young man fell from his horse;
Alfonsino died of disease when he was still a child.
Without any other male heirs, the lineage of the Gesualdo family was extinguished with the death of Carlo, the 8th of September, 1613, at the apex of its power and the splendour.


(Center of Studies and Documentation Carlo Gesualdo)

Webmaster Franco Caracciolo - e-mail: carlogesualdo@altervista.org